Excuse my language… but you know what really pisses me off? All of these so-called fitness “experts” that have weight loss books on the market. Every “author” claims to have the holy grail of six pack abs, and it is a secret that you can only get by reading their book. I am certainly not a fitness guru, but as a former college athlete, I know enough about health and nutrition to know a legitimately healthly weight loss program.
When I was looking for a way to lose the spare tire that I developed over the past couple of years, I started searching for a program that was more adapted to my new metabolism and time constraints. I no longer had the metabolism of a 20 year old and I didn’t have the time to spend an hour a day in the gym.Matses
Rather than doing the traditional search for a workout program, I decided to search clickbank.com to see which programs were selling the most. I figured the programs that were selling the most books were probably going to be the best options for my goals…. I couldn’t have been further away from reality. Some of the top 10 selling programs have nothing to do with fat burning, weight loss, or defining abs.
So I started reviewing Mike Geary’s program with a lot of skeptism. What drew me to his book was the fact that he was a certified nutritionist and personal trainer (pretty good combo in my book). Since I travel a lot for my job, I wanted a program that would work both in the gym and in my hotel room if need be… in other words, I was looking for a program that would work with weights or without.
If you are looking for a muscle building program, this book is not for you. However, I was pleasantly surprised with the diet suggestions and methods for controlling blood sugar levels and over eating. Mike’s book did provide a great program that could be used any where, any time.